Dev Blog #14 – What’s in a Name?

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As we playtest and get folks trying out the game on Steam (have you tried it yet?), we are starting to finalize rules booklets and guides. Part of that has led us to finally settle on a name for the actual game, “Battlegrounds” was always a working title. We decided to stick to our roots and are pleased to announce:

Stay tuned for other news. The original video game may get an update as well!

The team has also created some mini starter packs with simplified rules tri-fold for the game.

There is one pamphlet for the Eastern Confederation Scout Drone and one for the Federated States Hunter. You may start seeing these rules and their accompanying drone models appear at cons.

We’re pretty excited about this. We have some folks testing the prints, and we hope to be able to release the STLs on Patreon at some point soon.

Our character artist is working on the final pilot card art, and they are starting to shine. You should check out our Instagram account for the latest, but here’s a sample:

And finally, we have started looking at printing for the various game assets, including the cards for the units and the pilot cards, which are starting to look pretty sweet as well.

We are actively playtesting; come on over to Discord and get involved!