Only a few more hours!

The last day of our Make 100 Kickstarter is upon us! We are wrapping up some rules, edits, and miscellaneous art and preparing to send the surveys!

If you have not already, please sign up for a free account at DriveThruRPG, our exclusive digital rewards fulfillment partner. I anticipate being able to send the digital rewards as soon as I have everyone’s email address (it’s easier if you use the same email for the DTRPG account) since the rules have been in early access for a while now. Anytime we update the rules or any of the other digital rewards, DTRPG will be updated, and you will get a notification. 

If you backed the Make 100 tier for physical miniatures, we will obviously need a valid mailing address as well. We are working with our partners at OnlyGames to ensure the final sculpts are perfect, and then they will begin producing them. This will still be a few weeks away while we get the final confirmation proofs from them (they are based in the UK, so it takes some time to manufacture and ship the proofs to us. We hope that all will be finalized in the next few weeks. The STL files will be available well before then (also via DriveThruRPG).

Thank you again for coming along on this adventure with us. We have learned a lot about crowdfunding and are looking forward to the next Kickstarter, which is likely to be the full-boxed Game of Dark Horizons Mechanized Corps.

Stay tuned! The surveys will go out as soon as we close!