Kickstarter Week #3!

We are well on our way!

Again, a huge thanks to all the backers so far; we are really looking forward to getting the miniatures and, as importantly, the game into your hands!

One of the backers who joined our Discord was able to download the print and play early access rules and actually play a game this weekend. They read the rules, then taught a friend, and played a couple of times. Huge shout out to Shaun!

We can’t wait to see a game with the physical miniatures out in the wild! 

We also spent last week getting ready for our Roll20 debut and will probably be holding more play tests via their excellent VTT starting this week. More information can be had by visiting our Discord!

And don’t forget our regular Table Top Simulator sessions!

If you’d like to try the game, visit the Discord server, and we will get you hooked up with the Print and Play early access rules, Roll20, or Table Top Simulator!

Lastly, we expect the last round of pre-production miniatures this week; stay tuned for pictures!

Thanks again for backing us!

Follow us on TwitchYouTubeFacebook, and Instagram!

Also, consider supporting the Kickstarter if you haven’t! Every dollar helps!